Saturday, August 14, 2010

Museum Exhibit Closes Tomorrow!

My exhibit entitled MARILYN DIGGS BRAZIL closes tomorrow, Sunday, August 15th.                        Yesterday, I donated "Sunrise on the Trail"  to the Chisholm Trail Heritage Center in Duncan, Oklahoma as a token of my appreciation for the work the  museum staff did to make it a success.                              Opening night was great fun with Brazilian sweets being served, along with tropical fruit on skewers, and cheeses. Each visitor was given a wrist ribbon from a famous Brazilian church which guarantees 3 wishes being granted - AS LONG AS YOU WEAR IT UNTIL IT FALLS OFF! My talented sister, who is a professional singer sang three Brazilian songs to get everyone in the mood, then ended by beckoning the guests enter the gallery with, "Welcome to Brazil!"

I want to thank  the museum staff, especially the director Bill Benson who never said "no" to any of my suggestions! Also, my daughter Denise whose brilliant idea it was to make the show more than just a display of my oil paintings, but rather an educational experience as well. (We had display cases of objects seen in the paintings and short explanations of several of the picture motifs.) She also stayed up until 2 am. making the Brazilian sweets and helped serve at the reception.

A special thanks to those who spread the word in the media, which includes the writers and editors for Distinctly Oklahoma magazine,, OklaVision, Duncan Banner and the Lawton Constitution.

Thanks too, to all the visitors, especially the out-of-towners from San Francisco, Detroit, Dallas and several other cities in Oklahoma and Texas. It was wonderful to see you all again, and I enjoyed giving you a glimpse of Brazil!

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