Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Home is Where the Heart Is

Afternoon Light
I´ve lived in over ten different apartments and five houses during my life - so far. Some homes speak to us more than others. Each has its own energy and reflects the lives of the people and animals growing up inside it.

People say they feel good inside my latest apartment of eleven years. For me, it is a refuge inside my neighborhood, called the Manhattan of São Paulo. I want to always remember it, since my plans for the future have yet  been laid. Here's a peek at a corner of it.

Several pieces are from Chinatown in San Francisco, California, my home before São Paulo: the wooden horse, black floral vases and wedding  basket  that doubles as a sidetable. Each compartment of the basket holds a gift for the happy couple and can be carried to them by the handle you see. The silver service is a family heirloom and  rests beside some art books resting on the glass-top coffee table. Across the street is another building in the concrete jungle, where groups of small lime green parrots play tag, soaring from tree to tree on the avenue.

I set up my easel in my living room and took my time, relishing each brushstroke that recreated on canvas my safe harbor. This painting won a medal at the Association of Fine Arts in São Paulo, a few years ago.

For more paintings, visit http://www.mdiggsart.com/
I´d  enjoy hearing from you at mdiggs@mdiggs.com

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