Sunday, April 24, 2011


I Come To The Garden Alone - Hymn 
Easter Morning

I come to the garden alone

While the dew is still on the roses

And the voice I hear falling on my ear

The Son of God discloses.

And He walks with me,

"He Has Risen"
and He talks with me,

And He tells me I am His own;

And the joy we share as we tarry there,

None other has ever known.

This old hymn was the inspiration for "Easter Morning". Mary Magdalene encounters Jesus alive and mistakes him for the gardener.
"Why are you crying?" He asked.
Mary responded, " If you have taken Jesus away, please tell me where you have placed Him."
"Mary!" He gently replied. That was all He needed to say! It was as if the scales from her eyes had been instantly removed. Any questions, any doubts that she had were gone! She knew this was Jesus, the living Christ, standing before her.


Marilyn Diggs

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Home is Where the Heart Is

Afternoon Light
I´ve lived in over ten different apartments and five houses during my life - so far. Some homes speak to us more than others. Each has its own energy and reflects the lives of the people and animals growing up inside it.

People say they feel good inside my latest apartment of eleven years. For me, it is a refuge inside my neighborhood, called the Manhattan of São Paulo. I want to always remember it, since my plans for the future have yet  been laid. Here's a peek at a corner of it.

Several pieces are from Chinatown in San Francisco, California, my home before São Paulo: the wooden horse, black floral vases and wedding  basket  that doubles as a sidetable. Each compartment of the basket holds a gift for the happy couple and can be carried to them by the handle you see. The silver service is a family heirloom and  rests beside some art books resting on the glass-top coffee table. Across the street is another building in the concrete jungle, where groups of small lime green parrots play tag, soaring from tree to tree on the avenue.

I set up my easel in my living room and took my time, relishing each brushstroke that recreated on canvas my safe harbor. This painting won a medal at the Association of Fine Arts in São Paulo, a few years ago.

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Capturing the Spirit

South American Aristocrat
Faces intrigue me. They always have. Considered by many to be the most difficult challenge for an artist, I welcome its calling.

Brazil has a tremendous mixture of races. Everywhere I turn, I see a subject that I'd love to paint. My portraits include people from all walks of life - from a street sweeper to aristocrats.
In some cases, I´ll see beyond their present situation. A noble look in a doorman´s face might turn him into a Morrocan prince.

Depending upon the subject, I´ll use different techniques to paint it. Sometimes a carefree brush stroke and unfinished background is just what I need to portray my subject.

But sometimes, as in this case, I want a more traditional treatment to show the grandeur and the austerity of landed gentry. In preparation to paint this way, for one year I studied and copied the Old  and New Masters  - Velázquez, Rembrandt, Holbein, Sargeant, among others. That involves, among other things, first painting this woman in only shades of grey! Yes, underneath the color, she is entirely grey!

The daughter of a wealthy rancher, Cristina's blood runs blue. Her Spanish ancestry is obvious. A sublime misture of intelligence, determination and of course -sensuality, for which Latino women are so famous.

For more information about this painting, get in touch with me at
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Friday, April 1, 2011

Husband Hunting? I´ve Got What You Need!

 Does Feng Shui intrigue you? The Chinese culture has all kinds of symbols of good fortune to jazz up your love life,  make you live to a ripe old age, improve your career, nurture a great family and become seriously rich. One of the good fortune flowers is the peony.

The peony symbolizes beauty, romance and purity.  It is considered the flower of the summer and when displayed, brings good luck, happiness and good fortune.

Young ladies of the family find a good catch  in matrimony if they keep peonies around, whether on the wall or in a vase.  But be careful,  flowers must be disposed of immediately when they start to wilt or fade in the case of artificial ones.

Personally, I just like the way they look!

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