Saturday, November 13, 2010

Heart and Soul

 This week the 3rd Invitational Great Plains Art Exhibition opened in Lawton, Oklahoma.  The title of the show is Heart and Soul of the Great Plains.

It is a joint exhibit by two museums and one gallery: 
Museum of the Great Plains
Comanche National Museum
Leslie Powell Gallery

If you are in the area, I hope you attend. Opening night, which was Nov.6, included a band/music at each location, refreshments  and  transportation making connecting runs between the galleries.

I was invited to show Amazon Youth, a portrait of a young warrior from the Amazon River area of Brazil. Participating artists must all have a link to the Great Plains in Oklahoma. Mine is that I was born in Tulsa and raised in Oklahoma from 1965 - 1975. My parents are Oklahomans and their home is in Duncan.

Amazon Youth

My painting is in the Museum of the Great Plains
601 NW Ferris Ave.
Lawton, OK
(580) - 581-3460
Show runs through Jan. 3, 2011

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