Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's Time to Blog

Here I go with my first blog post. Recently I joined Facebook and began reconnecting with old friends. About 20 of us who hadn´t seen each other for over 35 years got together for lunch. Afterwards, I took them for a sneak preview of my painting exhibit at a museum. As I related stories about the paintings the group seemed genuinely interested and  commented on how much more meaningful the pictures had become. 

Last night I sold a still life painting. The buyer was thrilled to learn that the sterling silver sugar bowl was Swiss and had belonged to my daughters´ great grandfather. And, that I´d bought the frame at a quaint shop in France. Encouraged by these reactions, I have decided to share some art tidbits through my blog, both about my paintings and art in general.

My world is art, and it revolves around painting, drawing, teaching art classes, giving art lectures and museum tours, and writing about cultural events for the newspaper or on-line sites. I hope to give readers an insight into art and its many facets through my life experiences.

Here we go...

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