Saturday, July 31, 2010

Brazilian Cowboys from the South - Gauchos

The gaucho cowboy culture is very much alive today in the south pampa region, shared with Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. They are known for using baggy pants, ponchos and boleadeiras (three balls tied to leather cords) to hunt or for sport. 

When gauchos are thirsty they sip mate tea made from tree leaves, through a metal straw, from a cured gourd.

Maybe you have been to a Brazilian steak house (churrascaria), like my favorite - Fogo de Chão - and have had meat cooked in the traditional way and brought to the table on skewers to be sliced at your plate. The waiters are dressed like gauchos. In some of these restaurantes you can ask for chimarrão ( gaucho tea served in the cuia) like you see in the painting.

Both of these paintings are on display at the Chisholm Trail Heritage Center until Aug. 15th. (see link above).

Gaucho and his Horse
Gaucho Drinking Tea
For more paintings, go to "Featured

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