Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Work in Progress

Set up
Sketch using paint
Block in

Finished painting
Many people are amazed to see how a painting develops. Here is a technique that works for me and which I teach my students.
The first step is setting up a composition that is pleasing. This may involve a trial and error moment where you add  or subtract objects and rearrange them until you get what you want. I´ll make a small black and white sketch on a note pad (not seen here) to test out the composition, before I go to the canvas.
Once that's settled, I´ll sketch it in charcoal. If I still like it, then the charcoal is replaced with a thin paint sketch.
Blocking in the color is like putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
The best part is defining the shapes and making a flat surface look like it has three dimensions.
Oh, the challenge of painting!

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