Sunday, January 23, 2011

Animals in Paintings

My View of São Paulo
 I broke my foot not too long ago, and had to spend time in bed. Here is the view I saw from my terrace window during that time.

My faithful schnauzer probably wondered
why I couldn´t take him out for his walks!

Animals and people, especially children, steal the scene in paintings, no matter what the subject is.

Several of this painting´s admirers and  some of my students questioned why I didn´t put this cute dog facing the spectator.

If I had, it would be just one more painting of a cute dog. By having him look the other way, onto the street, it creates a psychological interest. What has caught his eye?
What is going on down there?
Pretty sneaky, right? It is all about holding the viewer´s attention to the canvas as long as possible.

For more paintings by the artist, visit:

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