Saturday, December 4, 2010

Poinsettias for Christmas

Poinsettias by Marilyn Diggs
The Christmas season is on its way and our homes are being decorated for the occasion. So is my blog.

In this painting you´ll see a couple of antiques together with a basket of poinsettias. The mortar and the pestle are small and in the early days when artists made their own paint, were used to grind the pigment. The heavy iron used to be filled with hot coals before pressings. In yesteryear, it was used to ready the tablecloth before the family gathering for Christmas dinner.

Did you know that the poinsettia was originally from Mexico and South America? Here in Brazil it grows in abundance, depending upon the season. Its name is bico de papagaio which means "parrot's beak". Cute, right?

May your preparations at this time end with a joyous celebration commemorating the birth of our Saviour!

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