Monday, October 18, 2010

An Afternoon on the Beach

Corn Seller on the Beach
  A favorite snack on the beaches in Brazil  is corn-on-the-cob. In fact, Brazilians are crazy about corn. We have it as bread, ice-cream, juice, pudding and innumerable other desserts.

You also see to her right,  a coconut vender. A machete cuts off the top of an ice-cold coconut and a straw is inserted to enjoy nature´s Gatorade. Afterwards, the coconut is whacked in two, to scrape out the white pulp - yummy. 

As I watched the children line up for corn, it struck me how they  could represent the historical ethnic make-up of Brazilians, which began with Portuguese settlers, native Indians and African slaves.

As the girls wait for their treat, a boy has found a shell to take home for his collection. The littlest girl has left the water and it heading back to get coins to buy her cob. 

It was a lovely, calm afternoon which I tried to capture on canvas.
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